September 2023 – Lightning Talks Round 2

We are doing our second round of lightning talks this month after the successful first round!

The ⚡two ⚡lightning ⚡talks we have set for this month are:

Common Pentest Wins

In this talk, Logan Diomedi will cover the top 3 things that get penetration testers initial access on tests.

From Paper Jams to Domain Compromise: Abusing Multi-Function Printers

In this talk, Tyler Booth wants to share with you: Whether you manage multi-function printers (MFPs) yourself or delegate the task to an outside vendor, unsecured MFPs pose a significant risk to your environment. This talk explores how attackers can exploit MFP vulnerabilities to gain an initial foothold in an Active Directory domain, potentially escalate privileges, and access sensitive documents.

In other news, there is an upcoming CTF hosted by RBTC on September 7th.  Find out more at:

We look forward to seeing you in-person.  If you can’t make it, we will also attempt a google meet session and recording.

Meeting info:

September 14th, 2023 at 5:30pm
Grandin Colab
1327 Grandin Rd SW, Roanoke, VA 24015

Hope to see you there!

December – Burp Suite, Part 2, Pro Edition

For December we have asked that Logan Diomedi return and give us an in-depth dive into Burp Suite.  As you may remember Logan gave us a quick overview of Burp Suite back in February and many of you requested more so here it is. 

Logan Diomedi and Burp Suite, Part 2, Pro Edition

Burp Suite is one of the many free tools available in Kali Linux.  Burp Suite allows anyone to test and verify their web applications using various techniques from initial mapping and analysis of an application’s attack surface, to finding and exploiting security vulnerabilities.  In this meeting Logan will show us how he uses Burp Suite in his “Red Teaming” pen tests and how you can use the tool to test your own websites.

December 10th @ 5:30pm; This will be a virtual meeting

Logan’s Bio

Logan Diomedi is a 24-year-old Roanoke native and has been in the Information Security world since his early teens. He currently works as a penetration tester for an offensive information-security firm known as Depth Security, where he performs network, application-based, social engineering, and physical penetration testing. Logan is a Capture-the-Flag & HackTheBox regular, and regularly performs infosec-related research in his spare time. Logan has been a RISE attendee for almost 2 years now and has a passion to bring knowledge and resources to the greater Roanoke information security community.

April Intro to KALI Meeting Notes

Thanks to Nate Sykes and R&K Solutions for hosting our April ‘Intro to KALI’ meeting! Rob Garbee reviewed some of the popular tools included in the KALI Linux distribution. Rob’s presentation can be downloaded using the link below.

We’re lining up events for the coming months. If you have a topic or idea of interest to the group, please drop us a line at

Rob’s ‘Intro to Kali’ presentation

April 2018 – Intro to KALI


It’s really gonna happen this time.  Seriously, I mean it.


After multiple attempts to get this one in we’re really gonna do it this time.

Our next meeting will be on April 12th at R&K Solutions in Roanoke, VA. at 5:30pm.  Our subject will be an Intro to KALI Linux.   If you don’t know what KALI Linux is or if you do but want to know a little more have we got a meeting for you!  This operating system  is the defacto standard for Pen Testing.  We will be going through some of the more popular tools such as Metasploit, SPARTA, NMAP and OpenVAS as well as Offensive Security cert paths.

Please come out and join us.

Address: R&K Solutions,  2797 Frontage Rd NW, Roanoke, VA 24017

More info about KALI below:

Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing. Kali contains several hundred tools which are geared towards various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Security research, Computer Forensics and Reverse Engineering. Kali Linux is developed, funded and maintained by Offensive Security, a leading information security training company.

Jan 2018 – SANS Holiday Hack Challenge Party




Hope everyone had a great holiday break!  Our next RISE meeting will be this coming Thursday the 11th at 5:30 pm R&K Solutions.  We will be trying our hand at the SANS 2017 Holiday Hack.  Please see the link below to setup your account and then bring your laptop on the 11th.  While we won’t be getting through the entire thing we will have a chance to hang out and share ideas.  This is an excellent opportunity to learn some new chops and to show off the ones you have.   Come on out, you don’t want to miss out on this year’s event.

R&K Solutions

2797 Frontage Rd NW

Roanoke, VA 24017

Let’s do this!!!




Sept 2017 – Low Hanging Fruit


Victor Garcia will be sharing what vulnerabilities he sees most often when performing Pen Tests and how to fix them.

The meeting will be at 5:30pm on 9/14 at R&K Solutions, 2797 Frontage Rd NW, STE 1000, Roanoke, VA 24017. Google Maps.


Victor Garcia is a Security Consultant, Penetration Tester for Sword & Shield Enterprise Security. His primary role consists of conducting network vulnerability assessments, penetration tests, and web application assessments. He also performs social engineering assessments such as phishing campaigns, telephone pre-texting, and malicious USB drops. He has more than 8 years of experience in the technical field in roles such as help desk, network and system administration, auditing, and information security. Additionally, Victor holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Engineering and has also obtained several Offensive Security certifications.

The last presenter we had from Sword & Shield, Russel Van Tuyl, hit it out of the park. Definitely looking forward to Victor’s presentation. Guessing that while low hanging fruit are great for pen testing, they might be so good for the rest of us 🙂


Dec 2016 – SANS Holiday Hack Challenge Party









The SANS Holiday Hack Challenge is going to be released on Dec 9th, we’re going to party on Dec 15th:










If you’re not familiar with the challenge it is an annual event put on by Ed Skoudis and his team. It is essentially a game that involves a series of cyber security challenges designed to get you to learn a wide variety of skills. The team does a phenomenal job. It has elements for all skill levels and hints as you go along the way. Last year’s challenge was EPIC and I think my wife was ready to kill me if I didn’t stop playing. I’ll warn you, it can get addictive.


The challenges are kept online each year so you can continue to play, even if you didn’t complete it by the deadline. Here is last year’s challenge if you want take a look: This link will likely update to the 2016 challenge on 12/9. If so, here is a list of past challenges:

I can honestly say, after playing last year, I have looked forward to this year’s challenge all year long. My wife, maybe not so much, since I had my head buried in my laptop for 2 weeks last time 🙂 Here are just a few of the things I either learned about, or added skills to while playing last years challenge: sed, awk, scapy, python, JSON, SQL injection techniques,  numerous web application pentesting techniques, Burp Suite, mondoDB, firmware extraction, DNS CnC and data exfil. And when I wasn’t pulling out my hair, I had an absolute blast doing it!

Join us on 12/15 to work on the Holiday Hack Challenge. It is for all skill levels and you will be surprised how much you will learn. We will have wifi access available so everyone can work on the challenge. If you are a student and want to participate but don’t have a laptop, let us know and I will make arrangements so you will have somethig to work on.

To make the best use of the time at the party, go ahead and sign up for an account once the challenge is posted on 12/9.  You can start playing anytime after you get an account. I  also recommend having some sort of virtualization software on your laptop such as VirtualBox or VMWare Player, both are free. And having a VM running Kali set up. Or if Kali is your main OS you may want to have a Windows VM setup. All of that will aid you in the challenge.


As usual we’ll have beer/soda and snacks. Just bring your brains because you’re going to need them.


The meeting will be at 5:30pm on 12/15 at R&K Solutions, 2797 Frontage Rd NW, STE 1000, Roanoke, VA 24017. Google Maps.

Sept 2016 – Bad, Bad USB


We are in for a treat in September! Jeremy Dorrough is going to do an updated version of the presentation he did at DEF CON last year.

woo hoo

USB Attack to Decrypt Wi-Fi Communications

Jeremy Dorrough Senior Network Security Architect / Genworth Financial

The term “Bad USB” has gotten some much needed press in last few months. There have been talks that have identified the risks that are caused by the inherent trust between the OS and any device attached by USB. I found in my research that most of the available payloads for the USB rubber ducky would be stopped by common enterprise security solutions. I then set out to create a new exploit that would force the victim to trust my Man-In-The-Middle access point. After my payload is deployed, all Wi-Fi communications will be readable, including usernames, passwords and authentication cookies. The attack will work without the need of elevating privileges, which makes it ideal for corporate environments.

usb-flash-drive-skull-ring-2-Check Flash

Bio: Jeremy has built his career around protecting assets in the most critical IT sectors. He started his career working in a Network Operations Security Center for the US Army. He then went on to work as a Network Security Engineer defending Dominion’s North Anna Nuclear Power Station. He is currently a Senior Network Security Engineer/Architect at Genworth Financial. He is a MBA, CISSP, CEH, GIAC GPPA, CSA CCSK, ABCDEFG… Blah Blah Blah.

Jeremy has spent over 10 years researching and implementing new ways to defend against the latest attacks. He enjoys creating new exploits and feels it makes him a more well-rounded defensive Security Engineer. He is happily married and a father to two soon to be hackers. When he’s not staring at a command prompt, he is busy building and driving demolition derby cars.

Twitter: @jdorrough1

ECPI was kind enough to host this month, the meeting will be on Sept. 8th @ 5:30pm.

March 2016 – Common Network Penetration Testing Techniques

hack all the things

Our discussion subject for the month of March was Network Pen Tests.

  • What are they?
  • Do they provide value?
  • How are they done?
  • What do you do with the results?

Our guest speaker was Russel C. Van Tuyl (@Ne0nd0g). Russel is an experienced Network Pen Tester with Sword & Shield in Knoxville, TN and has agreed to walk us through his Network Pen Testing procedures.

Here is a quick write up about his presentation:

Attackers can take complete control of a Windows domain by establishing full administrative rights to networks resources. This access can then be used to steal your organizations crown jewels, the thing that makes your organization money. This talk will introduce common attack paths used to compromise a domain. Additionally, a brief introduction to the tools used to perform some of these common attacks will be covered. This presentation will conclude by providing information on mitigating or detecting these common attacks. The audience will be provided with an opportunity to ask any questions, even if they’re not related to the presentation.

Update: Russel did a fantastic job presenting. His presentation was entertaining and had a ton of great information. He not only covered some of the techniques he uses when pen testing, he also talked about ways to mitigate them. If you didn’t walk away with a “To Do” list of things to check on your network, or a list of fun new things to try, you weren’t paying attention.

Here are the slides from the presentation:

Common Pen Testing Techniques

RISE - March 2016

PowerShell Empire


He demonstrated how PowerShell can be an admins best friend, or worst enemy, by showing us how easy it was to use PowerShell Empire to compromise a box.


Our own Grant Sims has since created step by step video showing how to use one of the PowerShell techniques Russel spoke about. He shows how to use PowerSploit to get a meterpreter shell: